On December 29 in the midst of Portland, Oregon's "Arctic Blast '09," Jeffrey K. dropped to his knee in the middle of the street, in the snow, pulled a brilliantly sparkly thing from his lizard lounge warehouse sale coat, and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him.

I said yes.
Jeffrey and I are constantly amazed that people leave us alone together. We are dumb, goofy, and made for one another. It's really pretty gross.
We haven't picked a date (hint: summer of 2011) or a venue (hint: bring your boots), but I (compulsive googler and lover of all things fancy and crafty) have of course begun to gather inspiration. Here, I will share it with you. And my mother [Marilyn A.]. It's going to be great. Hang on, buckle your seat belts, and enjoy the bride.
Stay tuned.